Fact vs. Fiction - Do Human Stem Cells Outperform Plant Stem Cells?

Fact vs. Fiction - Do Human Stem Cells Outperform Plant Stem Cells?

With the combined efforts of biologists, geneticists, and clinicians, enormous progress has been made in the field of regenerative medicine and Stem Cell Technology. Stem cells are one of the most promising advancements to come about in recent years, facilitating developments in ways that were inconceivable a few years ago. Novel pathological mechanisms have been explained, new drugs derived from pluripotent stem cells are in the pipeline, and clinical trials using human parthenogenetic stem cells to treat severe ailments such as Parkinson’s Disease have been initiated.

Stem cell technology has also emerged as a leader in the newest frontier of skin care. However, much of the excitement around these advances has been hindered by misinformation. So, we figured it’s time to set the record straight.

There are two major types of stem cells that are utilized in skin care products today – plant and human. Both stem cell types possess the ability to self-renew and replace specific cells in need of repair. Unfortunately, the reparative effects of stem cells are limited to its own species; plant stem cells cannot repair and place human tissue.  This, in part, is because plant and human cells have entirely different signaling molecules and cell structures that are incompatible with each other. In other words, human stem cells will not make plants grow healthier and plant stem cells will not make your skin healthier.

Currently, there are no peer reviewed studies that are able to substantiate plant stem cell regenerative effects on human skin other than providing anti-oxidant and moisturizing benefits.

With this in mind, Lifeline Skin Care developed a product line around human stem cells. We have crafted a technology that uses human-derived stem cell growth factors to communicate directly with the skin cells and stimulate the skin to produce more collagen and elastin. Unlike the hype surrounding plant stem cells, our results are backed by clinical studies, legitimizing the role human stem cells play in skin care and cosmetics.